Friday, October 25, 2013

Library Professional Development

The TCTC Library faculty and staff attended a Library Retreat on October 22, 2013. The focus of the retreat was our Gallup Strength test results. We focused on how best to use one another’s strengths to become more of a team in the library.  Although the library may appear to be a team from the outside, we deal with three campuses and the librarians work at various campuses each week. Also the team at Anderson and Easley don't get to Pendleton that often. Because we travel so much during the week from the home base (Pendleton Campus) some of us feel as if we are “out of the loop.” Thus, we must find ways to keep everyone abreast of our daily activities. The library director usually sends emails to make everyone aware of changes to policy and procedure, yet we must all make a concerted effort to include our colleagues in the day to day life of the library on all three campuses.

We want everyone that works for the library to feel that they belong to the library family; for we are more than a team working towards student success…We are family!


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